
Baba Ganoosh - Song Info

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Name I Can't Let Go Share this song!
Writers: Apples Grossman
Hear it:
Lyric: Oo - oo -oo, yeah yeah yeah
I've lived that night a thousand times
And can't get it out of my mind

We are walking down the street
The street was kinda quiet
A half moon cast an eerie light
We were going to a party
When we came upon a fight

One man called the other "a liar"
Push came to shove
We're by a live wire
Two shots shattered the night
We were caught in the line of fire

Oo - oo- oo, yeah yeah yeah
I've lived that night a thousand times
And can't get it out of my mind

I hit the street and crawled beneath a van
The shots stopped as soon as they began
There was quiet for a moment
And then the two men ran

"Thank God they're gone", I cried in my relief
No reply, I shook just like a leaf
There you were alone on the street
I just stared in my disbelief

For you, were just smiling a minute ago
You were young in the midst of life's flow
You're a part of me
And I can't let go

If a simple thing had caused a small delay
If we had walked a slightly different way
If we left a little later
You'd be with me here today

Now I'm so sad, my heart's about to break
This loneliness is more than I can take
Memories are flooding my mind
Late a night I simply ache

For you, were just smiling a minute ago
You were young in the midst of life's flow
You're a part of me
And I can't let go


Artist Date Recording
Apples and the Talking Gourd